
Just a few of the locations training has already been given:

Liverpool, Manchester, Bolton, Warrington, Leipzig, Verona, Portsmouth, Peterborough, Huntingdon, Hull, Northern Ireland, Portsmouth, Chelsea and Westminster, St Thomas’s, Stockport, Morecombe Bay, Manchester, East Sussex, Leicester, Stoke Mandeville, Birmingham, Derby, York, Leeds, Sutton, Coldfield, Burton, Scarborough, NLAG, Milton Keynes, Surrey and Sussex, Reading, Croydon, North Cumbria, Wye Valley,

Liverpool, Manchester, Bolton, Warrington, Leipzig, Verona, Portsmouth, Peterborough, Huntingdon, Hull, Northern Ireland, Portsmouth, Chelsea and Westminster, St Thomas’s, Stockport, Morecombe Bay, Manchester, East Sussex, Leicester, Stoke Mandeville, Birmingham, Derby, York, Leeds, Sutton, Coldfield, Burton, Scarborough, NLAG, Milton Keynes, Surrey and Sussex, Reading, Croydon, North Cumbria, Wye Valley,