A New Years message from Prof Chris Redman.
‘When we started our Dawes-Redman education sessions last spring we had no idea what to expect.
Now we know! What a rollercoaster! We have completed 51 sessions and trained nearly 2500 clinicians.
It has been exciting and rewarding to meet you, the users. You have kept us on our toes with your many different questions, some of which we never anticipated. We have had to think hard to find the best answers. Your feedback with your brilliant suggestions and ideas has certainly educated us.
Everybody who uses Teams, struggles with the technology which is not simple. However, problems have, thankfully, been minimal allowing the ‘Show to go on’.
We have returned to different Trusts and got to know you better. What has emerged is a large and informal Dawes-Redman Group whose members work in every part of the United Kingdom. That must be good.
Our plans for 2023 are to continue with the same format, but polish and expand it as much as possible. We look forward to meeting you or your colleagues again.
We plan radical changes but they are not ready yet. In the meantime keep questioning and exploring the potential of Dawes-Redman computerised analysis’.